The sky is the limit!

Pour aujourd’hui une douce association de couleurs : bleu, blanc avec de petites touches de transparence et tons frais pour apporter un peu de douceur à la maison ! On dirait qu’un vent  printanier est passé par ici, non ?

Este início de primavera realmente me deixa inspirada. Hoje foi o céu que me incitou a escolher uma associação de azul, branco e um toque de transparência. Um pouquinho de doçura e leveza para nossa casa ! 

The sky is the limit!The sky is the limit!The sky is the limit!The sky is the limit!The sky is the limit!The sky is the limit!The sky is the limit!The sky is the limit!The sky is the limit!The sky is the limit!The sky is the limit!The sky is the limit!The sky is the limit!The sky is the limit!The sky is the limit!The sky is the limit!The sky is the limit!
Inspirations via: 1, 2, 3 et 7 Gingerella, 4 House of Philia, 5 Ideas to Steal, 6 et 8 Mokassin, 9, 10, 11 Johanna Vintage, 12 Desire to Inspire, 13 just play the field, 14 La Maison d’Anna G, 15 Atlantic, 16 Miss Mulbery Pie, 17 Marlene Ohlsson

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