Aussi disponible en Français :Passionné(e)...
Here is the definition of Passionate in the dictionary :
Passionate person has very strong feelings about something or a strong belief in Something. i.e. : He is passionate about football.
This is exactly what this blog " Décore la vie! " is all about. Here, we are passionate about beauty (not the commercial beauty). We are indeed passionate about what makes life more beautiful and better. There are so many ways and so many things that could embellish (your) life : Sport, nature, decorating, arts, kindness, careness, listening, welcoming...
We are here to share our passion for things and people that will make the world a better and more beautiful place...

What about you ?
What are you passionate about ? What do you do to make the world more beautiful ?
This is our answer for the Daily Prompt challenge of the 18th of september : PASSIONATE !